Activity 3.1. The Notion of Power

Activity 3.1- The Notion of power

Activity 3.2. Understanding Various Forms of Gender-Based Violence

A girl is forced to get married to a 30 year old man
Boy’s physical punishment
Boys who have effemanate behaviours are bullied
Brother hitting sister
Child labour activities _ boys expected to work in certain areas
forced sex
girl forced to marry physical abuser
Girl not allowed to go school because she has to work or do house chores
Husbund hitting wife as he is unhappy with the food she has cooked
In laws are harassing woman for dowry
Police violence against boy
Woman being prevented by her husband from going to work
young girl pregnant

Activity 3.3. Further Reflections of Gender-Based Violence

  • Please refer to the manual for this specific activity material

Activity 3.4. Consequences of Gender-Based Violence

A son’s gift to his father – Kannada Short Film
Women’s Safety begins at home (Short Film)