Community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services project, seeks to address the gap in child and adolescent mental health services in the Indian context, wherein screening and early intervention and/or psychosocial care provision by non-specialists, exists to an extremely limited extent.
Mapping of Community Services
The mapping exercise included a needs assessment of service providers in government Depts. of Health, Education and Welfare as well as child care institutions to: i) identify the types of services provided by the agency/service; ii) understand child mental health
Through extensive field work, including individual and group sessions with children, the Project has developed several activity books for use with children and adolescents. The activities focus on socio-emotional development, conduct, personal safety awareness and life skills. The activities are
Training and Capacity Building
A major component of the project has been transfer of knowledge and skills to enhance the competencies of various cadres of child care service providers, such as anganwadi workers, school teachers, child care institution staff and counselors; in recent times,
Swatantra Services – Specialized Service for Children in Need of Care and Protection at NIMHANS
Every Wednesday Timings: 9:00 to 1:00 Place: NIMHANS Child Psychiatry Out Patient Department Note: Every child (whether accompanied by his/her family or by institution staff) is required to have a letter of referral from the CWC/JJB/institution stating some details of...
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Estimated Coverage, since September 2014